donderdag 15 december 2011

Walk with me (graduation poem)

Gisteren (14-12-11) studeerde ik af als Integrated Kabalic Healer bij ASOS (a society of souls). Hieronder het gedicht dat ik maakte en voordroeg ter ere van die gelegenheid.

Come walk with me
I’ve found
A small and winding path
Crossing this mountain of life

It’s not the only one
And surely not the easiest

Come walk with me
Although I’m not even sure

it actually crosses this mountain
Nor am I sure it’s a mountain we'll walk
Or do I know what’s around the first bend
Nor do we have to know

Stay still with me
Why don’t we just stand here for a while
and enjoy the beauty of it all
Leaves swaying in the evening sun
Flies sitting on a pile of dun

Feel with me
Bellies rising slowly and steadily
Blood running through body, legs, toes
All those thoughts
All those thoughts
All those thoughts

Come breath with me
Breath with me
Truly we’re lost
Or are we?
No need to go anywhere, anyplace
So precious
We are alive
Live with me

Live with me